Sunday, July 16, 2006

please remember ghostwriter

This was a PBS series in which kids just like me (except that they lived in the inner city and I lived in Idaho) would solve serious mysteries with the help of a supernatural being, which was just a bunch of words written in a spiral shape, if I remember right. This show encouraged viewers at home to keep track of the clues, I think, and I had a spiral notebook I would write in during the show. Anyway I think the point of it was either getting kids to write or freaking them out.


  1. You are so into old PBS shows right now


  2. I don't know what to tell you.

  3. why are there so many pbs shows set in the inner city? Sesame Street for example, I could never relate because they all lived on the same city block.

  4. Yeah, what happened to "Sesame Road," in which all the characters represented stereotypes of rural America?

  5. I remember almost every episode, I was fully entrenched in this show and would immidiatly get it if it were on dvd. Just to prove it, I think I can remember their names, Jamal, Lenny, Alex, Gaby, Tina, and Rob, and Hector later one. Bam!
