Friday, August 03, 2007

Please remember The Langoliers

I can't remember that much about this Stephen King novel-turned-TV movie. All I really remember is an empty airport in an empty desert with no sound and no nothing. And then these silver spiky Pac-Men chew through the ground and through time. That's it.


  1. I remember loving this movie when it first came out but I haven't seen it since, I remember the pacman langoliers, but mostly I remember Bronson from Perfect Strangers.

  2. thank you thank you thank you. i feel like i mention this movie every couple of months and no one ever remembers it! it is the most ridiculous tv movie in the history of tv movies.

  3. yes! i knew there was someone i knew who really appreciated langoliers.

  4. This movie so nice and always remember it interesting scene.
    Video Games
