Wednesday, October 25, 2006

please remember brand new and taking back sunday

Thanks to Brand New recently coming through town, around here we've renewed our interest in the music we listened to from 2002 through 2004. I'll be the first to say it prompted me to find all my Taking Back Sunday CDs and rip them onto my computer. So nostalgic, so emo(tional).

So, Brand New, I'm sorry you aren't headlining your tours any more. You deserve better. And Taking Back Sunday, I guess you just released a new album? Heck if I know. What I'm saying is that I hope you two got over your feud with each other and also thank you for the memories. And for giving us something to shout to. Even us mild-mannered young girls.


  1. I helped record their (i.e. Brand New's) new album. This summer when I was interning at Avatar. It is awesome. And I'm kinda pissed they're touring with Dashboard again. Yes, this comment was just to brag about my working in a big, famous studio. Now I teach thugs how to make rap beats in Boston.

  2. I'm glad you shared that. This blog is now cooler by association.

  3. You left out some key players. I'm disappointed.
